Digitalization in the design office

Digitalization – design office

Cloud environment is the foundation of the future of design. It offers practically limitless possibilities for growth, streamlines work processes, and enables collaboration without physical limitations. Discover the CDE platform and see for yourself that its implementation is just the beginning of the development of your architectural office.

Cloud tools

Autodesk Docs

Autodesk Docs provides document management in the cloud and a collaborative data environment on the Autodesk Construction Cloud platform.

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Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro

Cloud-based software for collaboration and project coordination

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BIM Collaborate

Enables project teams to customize and implement project goals and feasibility by managing the entire project collaboration and coordination process.

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See additional resources

E-book: “Cloud Design – Digital Transformation of Design Offices”

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Autodesk Docs – CDE platform for project management.

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Differences between BIM Collaborate and BIM Collaborate Pro services

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Support services for the CDE platform

Implementation service

A process led by AEC Design specialists that begins with software functionality training and ends with the client’s team executing projects using the purchased software.
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Comprehensive coordination of systems that the client works with, integrating them with the selected CDE platform. This includes creating guidelines and workflows tailored to unique needs and priorities.

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BIM is a process of utilizing information within a three-dimensional model, which enables the improvement of the design process. The BIM methodology encompasses a set of tools, the latest technologies, and unconventional solutions, which effectively transform the work of design offices.

Benefits of BIM

Implementing BIM methodology in a design office simplifies and optimizes the design process, allowing for testing multiple variations and configurations in a 3D model. With design, detailing, and documentation tools, BIM helps construction engineers collaborate with design teams to optimize and automate their projects, ensuring greater accuracy and correctness while reducing risk.

Enhancement of Design Workflow

  • Automation of repetitive design processes
  • Ability to test multiple variations during the design phase
  • Unified design processes for multiple teams
  • Efficient flow of information and communication
  • Quick access to information
  • Centralized source of data

Effective Planning and Utilization

  • Cost and quantity estimation of materials
  • Project process management
  • Integrated collaboration of all design teams
  • Project lifecycle monitoring

Cost Reduction

  • Efficient collaboration among design teams
  • Early detection of risks and clashes
  • Better cost control and schedule management
  • Reduction of delays and errors


Appropriate tools are fundamental to design work aligned with the BIM methodology. See which ones meet your needs

Autodesk Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection

The AEC Collection includes a set of BIM and CAD tools along with a cloud-based common data environment that supports designers, engineers, and builders in project realization at all stages, from concept to construction.

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Autodesk Revit

Revit software is used for designing, documenting, visualizing, and creating architectural, engineering, and construction projects.

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Navisworks Manage

Comprehensive solution for project verification that enhances coordination, analysis, and communication of project assumptions and construction feasibility predictions

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Cloud-based AI software that enables the creation and testing of multiple design concepts and automates tedious stages of the design process during site planning

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See additional materials

Watch recordings from “Implementing BIM in a Design Office”

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Document management in the cloud and shared data environment available through the AEC Collection

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Discover how AEC Design implements BIM within an organization

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The value provided to architects by starting with the AEC Design Revit Template

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Ready-made solutions

AEC Design Revit Template

A proprietary design template developed by AEC Design engineers. One of the first tasks when implementing Autodesk Revit is to create a personalized template that meets our expectations and standards in the office, allowing us to focus on design. The design template is key to success as it increases project efficiency.

Capabilities of AEC Design Revit Template:


Our Authorized Training and Certification Center, AEC Design, offers a wide range of training courses, including applications such as Revit, Dynamo, and Navisworks. The training programs provide comprehensive preparation for participants to use the applications within their desired scope and at different levels of proficiency.

See our training offer

Digitization brings many benefits to a design office, starting with tangible improvements in efficiency and work quality, real cost reductions, increased collaboration flexibility, and culminating in enhanced competitiveness and building the company’s image. The transformation itself, as a strategic decision, requires preparation of an action plan, selection of appropriate tools, budgeting, and scheduling. However, the entire process begins with setting goals and visualizing how your design office can appear, function, and grow when embracing the digital side of business. Our specialists will support you at each of these stages.

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What can a design office gain from implementing the CDE platform and BIM methodology?

Perhaps you are wondering if you are ready for digital transformation? If so, we invite you to contact our experts. We will explain to you the benefits of implementing CDE and BIM. We will answer your questions about purchasing software and cloud services. We will propose training and dedicated implementations, as well as optimization and automation of work in your project office.

Contact us

Integration of CDE and BIM Platform

Appropriate design tools are essential for the operation of design offices.

Utilizing them within the BIM methodology allows for streamlining the work of designers, collaboration with investors, and other project teams. However, the true potential of BIM is revealed when paired with a CDE platform.

For this reason, in the era of advancing digitalization, working in a cloud environment will soon become not just an option but a business necessity. It is worth preparing for it now.