Digitization in an investment company

Digitization – developer/investor

In a dynamic business environment, cloud solutions are gaining importance. Embedding processes in the cloud enables real-time access to up-to-date information, efficient request handling, tracking of revisions, and communication. A CDE platform is useful not only in day-to-day operational work but also in crisis situations when there is no time for laborious searches through project documentation.

Benefits of working in the cloud

Discover the benefits of managing an investment project in a CDE platform

Quick data access

  • Integration of data from all project stages
  • Facilitated data analysis
  • Ability to identify, prioritize, and resolve issues more quickly

Full project supervision

  • Structured project documentation available in one place
  • Ability to control project budget and schedule
  • Direct insight into the progress of subcontractors’ work

Cost savings at every stage

  • Reduced risk of additional costs due to errors in the design and implementation phases
  • More accurate budget estimation and ongoing supervision during execution
  • Efficient scheduling of reviews and renovations during implementation

Cloud-based tools

Autodesk Docs

Autodesk Docs provides cloud-based document management and a collaborative data environment on the Autodesk Construction Cloud platform.

Check it out

Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro

Cloud-based software for project collaboration and coordination

Check it out

Autodesk BIM Collaborate

A cloud service that enables automated clash detection and real-time project co-authoring by the entire team

Check it out

Autodesk Build

A cloud-based solution designed for construction engineers and site coordinators.

Check it out

See additional materials

E-book: Managing an Investment Project in BIM Methodology

Get access

Watch webinar recording: Business Benefits of BIM for Investors

Watch recording

Webinar: Introduction to Oculo. How to Capture the State of Your Construction with 360-Degree Walkthroughs?

Watch recording

Supporting Services for CDE Platform

Implementation Service

A process led by AEC Design specialists that begins with software functionality training and ends with the client team executing projects in the purchased software.  


Comprehensive coordination of systems on which the client works with the chosen CDE platform. This includes creating guidelines and workflows tailored to unique needs and priorities.

The BIM methodology, by providing the necessary tools, enables structured collection of all data, integrating information from all stages of the investment process. Additionally, it helps to effectively utilize their potential, allowing for risk reduction, efficient analysis of actions, and ongoing monitoring of project work.

Benefits of BIM

Implementing BIM in an investment company is a process that involves properly defining processes, implementing tools, and adopting the methodology itself. At each stage of the investment, it provides all stakeholders with essential information that enables smoother control of work progress, ongoing communication between teams, and ultimately, an increase in potential project gains.

Faster data analysis

  • Facilitated variant analysis for different design and technical solutions

  • More accurate budget estimation and supervision during work

  • Quicker detection of clashes and errors

Unified working environment

  • One central source of information

  • Improved communication process among project participants

  • Avoidance of errors caused by diverse tools

Efficient project and facility management

  • Easier verification of quantities provided by designers and contractors

  • Shorter investment time due to schedule and progress monitoring

  • Effective management of inspections and maintenance during facility management


Appropriate tools are essential for BIM-compliant project work. See which ones meet your needs.

Autodesk Navisworks Manage

Comprehensive project verification software that improves coordination, analysis, and communication of project assumptions and construction feasibility predictions.


Autodesk Revit

Revit software is used for designing, documenting, visualizing, and creating architectural, engineering, and construction projects.


Autodesk Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection

The AEC Collection includes a set of BIM and CAD tools with a cloud-based common data environment that supports designers, engineers, and contractors in project delivery at all stages, from concept to construction.



Cloud-based AI software that enables the creation and testing of multiple design concepts and automates tedious stages of the design process, such as site planning.


See additional resources

Download the ebook: Managing Investment Projects with BIM Methodology

Get access

Watch the online training recording: BIM as Effective Support for the Investment Process

Watch the recording

Watch the webinar recording: Business Benefits of BIM for Investors

Watch the recording

Watch the conference recording: Clash Detection in Navisworks Manage Software

Watch the recording

Usługi wspierające BIM

We accompany our clients at every stage of the change process, and depending on their needs, we offer dedicated solutions that will unleash the company’s potential, gain a competitive advantage, and ensure sustainable, stable growth.

In the first stage, we help define goals, conduct surveys and research to better understand our clients’ needs, prepare an implementation plan, findings, and recommendations, and in the final stage, we carry out the BIM methodology implementation. See how we can assist you in the following areas:

  • Strategy and business development
  • Implementations
  • Work optimization
  • Programming and integration
  • Consulting


Our Authorized Training and Certification Center, AEC Design, offers a wide range of trainings, including applications such as Revit, Build, and Docs. The trainings provide comprehensive preparation for participants to use the applications in their specific scope, at various proficiency levels.

Get to know our training offer

A comprehensive database and efficient access to information are key to managing an investment project. Only in this way, with the increasing complexity of projects and team intricacies, is it possible to have full supervision over all activities. Moreover, efficient process management not only allows for work optimization but also helps avoid costly mistakes in later stages of the projects.

cyfryzacja w firmie produkującej materiały budowlane

What can you gain from implementing CDE platform and BIM methodology?

Perhaps you’re wondering if you’re ready for digital transformation. If so, we invite you to contact our experts. We will explain the benefits of implementing CDE and BIM. We will address your questions regarding software purchases and cloud services. We can offer training, customized implementations, as well as optimization and automation of work processes in your company.

Please contact us.

Integration of CDE and BIM Platform

Multidisciplinary projects bring together various industry-specific solutions, and the diversity of these solutions can generate challenges in the flow of project data. BIM addresses the growing need for their standardization by enabling the creation of a single, overarching source of information integrated with industry-specific tools.

Incorporating a CDE platform into the BIM methodology provides unlimited access to up-to-date project documentation. This grants full control over work progress at any stage.