Implementation of software

Ensure maximum return on investment in new software for your company

The implementation of new software involves not only the introduction of a new tool but also the accompanying process changes, the development of new skills within the team, and preparation for collaboration in a new environment with the company’s partners.

Digital transformation in construction companies is accelerating, forcing organizations to adopt solutions that will allow them to participate in the most advanced projects. On the other hand, companies that have already undergone this process are now modernizing their tools and processes to further optimize their work.

A Solid Foundation

A comprehensive implementation of software, previously included in the BIM Strategy, is an extremely important step on the path to digital transformation. This is because merely installing the appropriate programs on company computers does not guarantee success. Above all, every team member must know how to use the software correctly and navigate it efficiently. Only in such a situation can we be certain that the investment in new tools will pay off in the form of increased work efficiency, streamlining of repetitive tasks, meeting deadlines, and ultimately, higher profits on individual projects.

How does the software implementation process work in AEC Design?

The first step in the software implementation process with our clients is the analysis of their needs, known as BPA (Business Process Analysis). Through this process, our specialists gather essential information to prepare a report that verifies the requirements and identifies any issues.

After discussing with the client, we jointly define the scope of implementation and present a dedicated offer.

The actual implementation process can vary in duration, ranging from a few days to several weeks (in cases where decisions are made, for example, on dedicated training). After the official completion of the implementation, we continue to support our clients through post-implementation assistance for any additional questions or concerns.

Software implementation process: