Activation of ACC Account by the Account Admin

Activation of ACC Account by the Account Admin

Unless you have been invited to collaborate on an existing account or project, you need to activate your account before you can start using Autodesk Construction Cloud™ products in your own projects. When you purchase subscriptions for Autodesk Construction Cloud™ products, they will be visible in your Autodesk account. Whether you make the purchase for yourself or your organization, you will be able to manage the subscriptions and access the products in your Autodesk account.


Activation of a New Account

If you have purchased Autodesk Construction Cloud™ products for yourself or your organization, you need to set up the organization’s account. This account contains individual projects for your organization. To set up the account:

  1. Go to your Autodesk account and log in.

Tip: If you purchased the products through Autodesk eStore, you can click the Access link on your account from the order confirmation screen or Access your account from the confirmation email.

  1. Click All Products and Services on the left side to locate the purchased products.
  2. Click Access on the product card for the product you want to access.
  3. Choose the desired destination:
  • Unified projects: Takes you to the list of your projects.
  • BIM 360 (US): Takes you to BIM 360 projects hosted on servers in the US.
  • BIM 360 (EU): Takes you to BIM 360 projects hosted on European servers.
  1. If it’s your first purchase for this account, you’ll notice the account is not yet active. Click Activate.
  2. Click the radio button for Create a new account to create an account for use with Autodesk Construction Cloud™ products.
  3. Enter an account name. This name will appear in the product and product-related emails.
  4. Choose the data center where the data should be stored.
  5. Click Activate Now.

Now you can visit, log in, and start using the products. As the first account administrator, you can create projects and manage account members, including adding additional account administrators and assigning subscriptions directly from the Account Administration.