Digitization in a construction company

Digitization – construction company

Szum informacyjny, zbyt wolna komunikacja, pominięcie niektórych członków zespołu – to tylko przykładowe problemy, które mogą napotkać firmy wykonawcze współpracujące z wieloma podwykonawcami czy zespołami w ramach jednego projektu. Lokalizowanie i naprawianie tego typu pomyłek może zabierać nie tylko czas, ale także pieniądze, w przypadku, kiedy błąd zostanie zauważony zbyt późno.

Benefits of working in the cloud

Although fully digitized, the CDE platform provides tangible and measurable benefits. Implementing Autodesk’s cloud service allows for improved coordination of the entire project and helps maintain high-quality documentation. With a shared data environment accessible to all project teams regardless of location, work is carried out more efficiently, without collisions or errors that could prolong project completion time. As a result, the design office can align work and customer service standards with international standards required by the most demanding investors.

Effective collaboration

  • Greater ability to share models
  • Increased accuracy in conducted activities
  • One master version of the project

Improvement of the construction process

  • Connection of data related to potential clashes, progress of work, and any changes
  • Reduced number of errors and oversights
  • Optimization of costs and project schedule

Improved Communication

  • Real-time connection of project teams
  • Shared source of information
  • Streamlined project management process

Cloud Tools

Autodesk Build

A cloud application designed for construction engineers and work coordinators.

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Autodesk Docs

Autodesk Docs provides cloud-based document management and a shared data environment on the Autodesk Construction Cloud platform

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Autodesk BIM Collaborate

It allows project teams to customize and execute project assumptions and feasibility by managing the entire project collaboration and coordination process

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Autodesk Takeoff

Easily perform 2D takeoffs and generate automatic quantities from the 3D model within a single quantification solution

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Check out additional resources:

E-book: “BIM for General Contractors”

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Benefits of using Autodesk Build for project management in construction

Watch recording

Streamline quality control and inspections using Autodesk Build

Watch recording

Autodesk Takeoff – Create quantity takeoffs from 2D drawings and BIM models in the cloud

Watch recording

Supporting services for the CDE platform

Implementation service

A process conducted by AEC Design specialists, starting with training on software functionality and concluding with the client’s team executing projects using the purchased software.  


Comprehensive coordination of client systems with the chosen CDE platform. This includes creating guidelines and workflows tailored to unique needs and priorities.

The BIM methodology enables the utilization of information within a three-dimensional model, organized storage of project documentation, and the use of project data. As a result, BIM allows for the reduction of risks associated with the preparation and execution of construction projects.

Benefits of BIM

Process Definition: Defining processes for the execution of a construction project is crucial for its successful implementation. Regardless of the investment stage, BIM allows all stakeholders to access up-to-date information, enabling better supervision of individual tasks and faster response in case of corrective actions. Time savings also translate into cost reduction and increased project profitability.

Process consistency

  • Unified processes for multiple teams
  • Integrated collaboration among all teams
  • Efficient information flow and communication

Risk minimization

  • Faster error detection and rectification
  • Improved communication and change orders
  • Access to the latest version of documentation

Cost reduction

  • Better cost control and schedule management
  • Reduced delays and errors
  • Lower costs for corrections in earlier stages of work


Appropriate tools are essential for working on projects in line with the BIM methodology. See which ones meet your needs.

AEC Collection

The AEC Collection includes a set of BIM and CAD tools along with a cloud-based common data environment that supports designers, engineers, and contractors in project execution at all stages, from conception to construction.

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Autodesk Navisworks Manage

Comprehensive project validation solution that improves coordination, analysis, and communication of project assumptions and construction feasibility predictions. Revit software is used for architectural, engineering, and construction project design, documentation, visualization, and creation.

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Autodesk Revit

Revit software is used for architectural, engineering, and construction project design, documentation, visualization, and creation.

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See additional materials

Download ebook: BIM for General Contractors

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BIM for General Contractors: Recreating a BIM model from 2D documentation

Watch recording

Watch a recording from the virtual conference “Remote Supervision using 360 photos and the Oculo platform”

Watch recording

Watch the recording from the conference: Collision detection in Navisworks Manage software

Watch recording

BIM Support Services

We accompany our clients at every stage of the change process and offer customized solutions based on their needs. These solutions help unleash the company’s potential, gain a competitive advantage, and ensure sustainable, stable growth.

In the initial stage, we assist in defining goals, conduct survey research to gain a deep understanding of our clients’ needs, prepare an implementation plan, draw conclusions and recommendations, and in the final stage, we implement the BIM methodology. See how we can help you in the following stages:

  • Strategy and Business Development
  • Implementations
  • Workflow Optimization
  • Programming and Integration
  • Consulting
Discover our services


Our Authorized Training and Certification Center, AEC Design, offers a wide range of trainings, including applications such as Revit, Build, and Docs. The trainings provide comprehensive preparation for participants to use the applications within their specified scope, at various levels of proficiency.

Discover our training offer
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What can you gain from implementing CDE platform and BIM methodology?

Perhaps you are wondering if you are ready for digital transformation. If so, we invite you to contact our experts. We will explain the benefits of implementing CDE and BIM. We will answer your questions related to software and cloud service purchases. We can offer training, customized implementations, as well as optimization and automation of work processes in your company.

Please contact us

Integration of CDE and BIM Platform

Appropriate design tools are essential for the operation of design offices.

Utilizing them within the BIM methodology allows, among other things, to streamline the work of designers, facilitate collaboration with investors or other project teams. However, BIM truly showcases its capabilities when paired with a CDE platform.

For this reason, in the era of advancing digitization, working in a cloud environment will soon become not just an option but a business necessity. It is worth preparing for it now.